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EasyFlow Rechnungen

1. Introduction

The following documentation gives you detailed information about EasyFlow Rechnungen and describes all the necessary steps regarding installation and configuration for the successful use of the app.

If you need support at any point, please feel free to contact us by email at and we will help you immediately!

1.1. General features of the app

EasyFlow Rechnungen offers you comprehensive invoice management functionalities directly in your own Salesforce environment:

  • Simple and intuitive invoice creation
  • Easy deposit and tracking of incoming payments
  • Automatic generation of document numbers (invoices, reminders and cancellations), which you can easily configure yourself
  • Automatic invoice status adjustment to "Paid" upon receipt of payment
  • Automatic reminder creation based on reminder levels
  • Simple overview of dunning processes using status displays
  • Automatic creation of cancellation records
  • Possibility of compliance with GoBD conformity

This list serves as an overview. In the further course we will describe these functions individually and in detail.

1.2. Requirements for the use of EasyFlow Rechnungen

In order to be able to use EasyFlow Rechnungen, a number of requirements must be met. You can find out what these are in the following:

EasyFlow is based on the use of a Salesforce SalesCloud Enterprise Edition by default. Higher SalesCloud editions are of course also supported. Use in a Professional Edition is also possible. Your users can use EasyFlow with a SalesCloud or a Platform licence. Please note that with a Platform licence you do not have access to the opportunity object, which is necessary for the creation of invoices. However, your Platform licence users have access to all custom objects, i.e. invoices, reminders, cancellations and payments.

In addition, the functions "Notes", "Quotes" and "Path" must be activated for a complete range of functions:
> To check this, go to "Setup"
> Enter "Quotes", "Notes" and "Path" in the quick search
> Check that "Active" is set.

1.3. The Interfaces of EasyFlow Rechnungen

The interface for the configuration and use of EasyFlow Rechnungen is composed exclusively of native Salesforce components. A distinction can be made between two views, one for the EasyFlow administrator and one for the EasyFlow user. The EasyFlow user only sees the user interface, but also has the option of working in the console view.

1.3.1. The administrator view

You will find the following tabs in the EasyFlow Rechnungen Admin application:

Tab Description
Konfigurationen With the help of an "EasyFlow Rechnungen configuration" data set created during installation, you can control the basic configuration of the application.
Phaseneinstellungen Here you manage the automatic generation of an invoice data record depending on the opportunity phase.
Mahnstufen Here you can define when a dunning data record should be generated automatically depending on the due date.
Nummernkreise Here you can define the desired number range format for invoices, reminders and cancellations.
Benachrichtigungseinstellungen Here you can set up push notifications for one or more Salesforce users.

1.3.2. The user view

You will find the following tabs in the EasyFlow Rechnungen and EasyFlow Rechnungen Console application. Depending on your preference, you can choose between the console and standard app view:

Tab Description
Home On the home interface, you will find up-to-date dashboards that provide an overview of open, sent and overdue invoices as well as payments received.
Accounts Object available by default in Salesforce. Here you can save the information about your customers as business accounts.
Kontakte Object available by default in Salesforce. Here you can save information about the people you want to do business with. The contacts can be assigned to the accounts.
Opportunities Object available in Salesforce by default. Opportunities are deals in progress, so you can track your potential deals here. Opportunities can be linked to accounts.
Rechnungen You can manage your invoices here.
Mahnungen You can manage your dunning notices here.
Zahlungen You can manage your payments here.
Stornierungen You can manage your cancellations here.

* Salesforce standard objects

2. Installation and Setup

To use EasyFlow Rechnungen, some preparatory steps are necessary. These include the installation of the tool itself, but also further configurative measures, which we describe in this chapter.

Note: When purchasing an EasyFlow Rechnungen licences, we offer a free set-up service! Please contact us by e-mail at or call us at +49 (0)800 25 68 396.

2.1. Installation

EasyFlow Rechnungen are installed via the AppExchange.

When you are on the installation page, select "Administrators only". This selection is necessary, as otherwise non-authorised users could gain access to sensitive data!

Click on "Install" and confirm the message "Yes, grant access to these third-party websites". Within the scope of the installation, release must be granted for addressing different interfaces. Click on "Next" to start the installation.

Once your installation is complete, you will find all the components associated with the package in your Salesforce org. You can recognise them by the "EasyFlow Rechnungen" namespace.

A notification may appear with the following content: "The installation of this application takes some time. You will receive an email when the installation is complete." If this is the first time you've seen such a message, don't worry. Just click "Done." Salesforce will then email you to let you know if the installation was successful.

Once the installation is complete, we recommend checking the installation in the "Packages" area under "Installed Packages" in Salesforce Setup.

2.2. Granting of Rights of Use

The use of the application requires the assignment of certain rights to desired Salesforce users. A basic distinction is made here according to the type of use:

  • EasyFlow Rechnungen licenses
  • Salesforce Permission Set

EasyFlow Rechnungen licenses are assigned in the "Installed Packages" section, directly at the EasyFlow Rechnungen package listed there. To do this, click the "Manage licenses" button and assign the desired users.

Salesforce permission sets are assigned separately. The following types of Salesforce permission sets are basically distinguished in EasyFlow Rechnungen:

  • EasyFlow Rechnungen admin: for full administrative access to all areas of the application.
  • EasyFlow Rechnungen user: for user access to EasyFlow Rechnungen and Console app

Zur Zuweisung dieser Berechtigungssätze suche im Setup nach „Berechtigungssätze“.

Search in the list for „EasyFlow Rechnungen admin“ and „EasyFlow Rechnungen user“ and click on the respective set of permissions you want to assign to a user.

Go to "Manage Assignments" and add the desired users by checking the checkbox.

IMPORTANT: It is also essential to share the dashboards and reports that come with EasyFlow Rechnungen by default. To do this, please go to the standard tabs for "Reports" and "Dashboards" in the Salesforce interface and in each case (!) in the sharing settings of the " EasyFlow Rechnungen" folder added with the installation of EasyFlow Rechnungen, share it with the group of all internal users. You can find this sharing option as follows:
Search via the Reports or Dashboards search function > All Folders > EasyFlow Rechnungen > Share (using the arrow function on the right). If this step is missed, the millio app homescreen will not display correctly for users without an administrator license.

2.3. Field Visibility

As part of the Salesforce security review, certain rights to fields must be checked. If a field is not visible to a user, this check will fail. It is therefore important to ensure that all fields are visible. Some of the rights are automatically granted in most cases, but it makes sense to check them initially.

This specifically concerns the objects ‘Order’ and ‘Order Product’.

You can find these in the setup menu in the Object Manager. You can check the visibility of the fields as follows:

Select the object in the Object Manager > Fields & Relationships > select the relevant field > Set Field-Level Security > the ‘Visible’ checkboxes must be ticked.

Check the following fields:

Object Field
Order Status
Account Name
Order Product Order
Quote Line Item
Total Price
Unit Price

2.4. Management of the Configuration Data Set

The first step in configuring the app is to manage the configuration data set. By default, default settings are stored in the configuration data set so that the app can be used directly. However, these settings can be freely configured according to your own requirements.

First, search for the „EasyFlow Rechnungen admin“ app in the App Launcher or via the search function. Switch to the "Configuration" tab. Here you can create one-time entries for the basic configuration parameters in the data set.

Here you can create one-time entries for the basic configuration parameters in the data set.

The following fields can be configured:

Field Type Description
Automations Formel Field Should be ticked by default. Shows whether time-based automations (see Notification Settings and Dunning Levels) are activated. Activation can be done via the "Automations" button.
Due Date Optional Here you can enter the number of days (numerical entry) until an invoice is due. The default setting is 14 days.
GoBD Conformity Optional Here you can make the setting for maintaining GoBD conformity. If this option is selected, invoice data records and invoice documents can no longer be edited after they have been sent.
Value added tax rate Optional Here you can store the API name of the VAT field that you have created at the level of the opportunity product. The VAT stored there is then automatically transferred to the corresponding invoice data record.

2.5. Manage Phase Settings

You have the option of configuring the automatic generation of invoice records based on the respective opportunity phase. Closed Won" is set by default. If you map an individual sales process through specially created opportunity phases, you should adjust your phase setting.

Field Type Description
Name Mandatory Here you can enter a freely selectable name for your phase setting.
Phase Mandatory Here you can enter the name of the opportunity phase for which an invoice record is to be generated. Closed Won" is stored by default.
Action Mandatory Defines the record to be created when the corresponding opportunity phase is reached. The default setting is Invoice.
Order Optional Here you can specify the order in which the phase settings should be applied when the phase and action are the same.
Allocation Optional Here you can define if billing items should be automatically allocated to your invoice. The value you enter here will then be automatically assigned as a percentage of the total sum on the respective position of the invoice.
Note: 0€ invoices are only generated if the value 0 is explicitly entered in the "Allocation" field. Without this entry, no 0€ invoices will be created.

2.6. Depositing Reminder Levels

Via "Reminder Levels" different reminder levels can be stored which define the number of days after the due date of an invoice. If the correspondingly defined number of days of a reminder level is reached, a reminder record is automatically created. By default, 3 reminder levels after 0, 7 and 14 days are already stored. Note: Make sure that "Automations" are activated in the configuration data set.

2.7. Setting Up Number Ranges

Via "Number ranges" you can define the desired number ranges for the objects invoices, reminders and cancellations. These can start from the beginning every year, every month or every day. In addition, you can define a pattern yourself; the default term is year and the default pattern is 'RE-{YY}-{000000}'. The following merge fields are valid: {YY} or {YYY} to store the corresponding year. {MM} to store the respective month. {DD} to store the respective day. Counter field {000000} for storing the desired number of digits; the number of digits can be defined by adding or omitting '0'.

2.8. Set Up Notifications

Push notifications for one or more Salesforce users can be set up via "Notification settings". Push notifications are generated in the following cases:

  • When creating a new invoice
  • When creating a new reminder
  • If an invoice is overdue

To set up push notifications, click on the "Notification Settings" tab and then on the "New" button in the "Notification Settings" list to create a new "Notification Settings" record.

Field Type Description
User Mandatory The Salesforce user to be notified.
Events Mandatory Here you can define events that trigger notifications. Possible are: New invoice, New reminder, Overdue invoice.
Active Mandatory Defines whether the notification setting is active.

2.9. Configuration and Customisation of Standard Objects

Since Salesforce does not support automatic adjustments to standard objects when installing applications such as EasyFlow, this must be done manually once after installation. This way, EasyFlow Invoices seamlessly adapts to your Salesforce standard.

Note: We offer a free set-up service with the purchase of EasyFlow Rechnungen! Just write us an email to

2.9.1. Opportunities

In order to keep relevant information about the project in view on the opportunity, you should add the topic list "Invoices" to the opportunity page layout on the opportunity tab via "Setup" > "Edit object" > "Page layout".

2.9.2. Opportunity Product

To be able to add a VAT rate to your offered products on the respective opportunity product, you should create a VAT field and add it to the layout. Payment and formula fields are accepted. Make sure that the API name of the field is stored in the configuration record.

2.10. Trial version

You have the opportunity to test EasyFlow Rechnungen for 30 days completely free of charge. You do not need any credit card information. After 30 days, the test phase expires automatically and you can no longer access EasyFlow invoices.

If you want to test EasyFlow Rechnungen in a sandbox, the installation process works exactly the same as in the live environment.

2.11. Order licenses

This step is particularly important so that you can use EasyFlow Rechnungen permanently! The licence fees for the use of EasyFlow invoices will be collected by direct debit from the account you have specified. You can enter your relevant information here:

> In the EasyFlow app, you will find the "Manage licences" button in the "Configuration" tab. Click on the button to open a login page to your licence management area. In this customer portal you will find all the important data about your EasyFlow licences, payment information and also the option to book additional licences with a click.

> To log in, you will receive a personalised code by e-mail, which you enter in the login screen.

> After logging in, the overview page will open with some instructions on what information you need to provide us with so that you can use EasyFlow in future.

> Click on "Check your billing address". There you can enter a valid billing address. Then click on "Check your SEPA direct debit mandate" to issue a valid SEPA direct debit mandate. You can also find the input masks for your data below in the "Billing" and "Payment" tabs.

> After you have entered and saved the necessary data, you will receive a confirmation email from us and a document with all the information about your SEPA direct debit mandate.

Please note: The e-mail with the confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address that was specified when you downloaded EasyFlow in the Salesforce AppExchange.

3. Important Interfaces for Operational Use

Below you will find a detailed overview of the interfaces of the EasyFlow Invoice objects, including invoice, dunning, cancellation and payment objects.

3.1. The Invoice Record

The invoice record has two tabs: Related and Details. Under the "Related" tab you will find all the subject lists, as well as notes and files. Under the "Details" tab you will find the following fields:

Field Type Description
Name Auto Number Number of the invoice record. This is assigned automatically when an invoice is created.
Account Formula Field Refers to the corresponding customer account.
Opportunity Optional Refers to the corresponding opportunity record that is being settled.
Rechnungsnummer Optional Here you can define the invoice number. The invoice number is created automatically if a corresponding number range is stored (see "Creating number ranges").
Status Mandatory Here you can define the invoice status; available invoice statuses are Draft, Sent, Paid, Canceled.
Zahlungsstatus Formula Field Here you will see an icon corresponding to the status of the invoice record in order to be able to see the payment status at a glance by means of a visualisation.
Set Date Checkbox This field is enabled by default. If it is disabled, the date (and consequently the invoice number) will not be set when creating the invoice.
Datum Optional Here you can define the date of the invoice. This is automatically stored when the invoice is generated from the opportunity, but can be changed.
Fälligkeit Optional Here you can see the number of days until the invoice is due. By default, the value of the "Due date" field is taken from the configuration, see "Creating due dates".
Fälligkeitsdatum Formula Field Here you see the due date, which is calculated from the "Date" field of the invoice as well as the "Due date" field, a time specification in days.
Betrag Formula Field Here you can see the invoice amount (net) as the sum of the corresponding allocations assigned to the invoice (see "Creating an invoice record").
Mehrwertsteuer Formula Field Here you can see the VAT that is automatically calculated from the information stored in the 'Opportunity Product' record. This requires that a corresponding field has been created and the field name has been stored in the configuration, see "Configuration of Opportunity Product" and "Creating the configuration".
Gesamtbetrag Formula Field Here you see the total amount (gross), calculated from the amount plus VAT.
Gezahlter Betrag Formula Field Here you can see the amount already paid if a payment record has been assigned to the invoice (see "4.2. Deposit of incoming payments").
Offener Betrag Formula Field Here you can see the outstanding amount. This is calculated from the total amount minus the amount paid.

3.2. The Reminder Record

The reminder record contains two tabs: Related and Details. Under "Related" you will find notes and files. Under the "Details" tab you will find the following fields:

Field Type Description
Name Mandatory Number of the reminder record. This is assigned automatically when a reminder is created.
Mahnungsnummer Optional Here you can define the invoice number. The invoice number is defined automatically if a corresponding number range is stored (see "Creating number ranges").
Rechnung Formula Field Refers to the corresponding invoice record.
Rechnungsnummer Formula Field Displays the invoice number of the invoice record referenced in the "Invoice" field.
Status Mandatory Here you can enter the reminder status, possible are "Draft" and "Sent".
Set Date Checkbox This field is enabled by default. If it is disabled, the date (and consequently the reminder number) will not be set when creating the reminder.
Date Optional Here you can enter the dunning date. If the dunning notice is generated automatically on the basis of the deposited reminder levels (see "2.5. Depositing reminder levels"), the date is set automatically.
Mahnstufe Mandatory Here you can define which reminder level the reminder corresponds to. If the reminder is automatically created according to the saved reminder levels, this is automatically updated.

3.3. The Cancellation Record

The cancellation record also contains two tabs: Related and Details. Under "Related" you will find notes and files. Under the "Details" tab you will find the following fields:

Field Type Description
Name Mandatory Number of the cancellation record, is assigned automatically when a cancellation is created.
Rechnung Formula Field Refers to the corresponding invoice record.
Stornierungsnummer Formula Field Here you can define the cancellation number. The cancellation number is defined automatically if a corresponding number range is stored (see "Creating number ranges").
Status Mandatory Here you can enter the cancellation status, possible are "Draft" and "Sent".
Datum Optional Here you can enter the cancellation date.

3.4. The Incoming Payment

On the payment record you can create incoming payments and upload files (e.g. payment receipts) and notes. You will find the following fields on the payment record:

Field Type Description
Name Mandatory Number of the payment record. This is assigned automatically when a payment is created.
Rechnung Formula Field Refers to the corresponding invoice record.
Account Formula Field Refers to the corresponding customer account that made the payment.
Datum Optional Here you can enter the payment date.
Betrag Optional Here you can deposit the amount paid.

3.5. The Assignment Data Set

You can edit the assignment record via the "Assignment" button. You can also find it in the "Assignments" topic list on the invoice record.

Field Type Description
Name Auto Number Number of the assignment data set. This number is automatically assigned when the record is created.
Rechnung Formula Field Refers to the corresponding invoice record.
Opportunity Produkt Formula Field Refers to the corresponding opportunity product.
Betrag Optional Here you can enter the net amount of the opportunity product to be settled.
Mehrwertsteuer Optional Displays the VAT depending on the information stored in the opportunity product.

Note: When using EasyFlow Projekte in addition, individual sub-projects can be assigned separately to the invoice. A sub-project record is created automatically when the project is created, the field values do not have to be edited or adjusted. The sub-project data record enables project invoicing according to individual products. This also allows billing within a project according to time and lump sum, according to the defined billing type per sub-project, which is taken over from the quotation document item.

3.6. The Receipt Data Set

The voucher data record has two tabs: Verwandt and Details. Under the ‘Verwandt’ tab, you will find all topic lists, as well as notes and files where you can upload files (e.g. receipts) and store notes. Under the ‘Details’ tab you will find the following fields:

Feld Typ Beschreibung
Name Auto-Nummer Number of the voucher data record. This is assigned automatically when a document is created.
Account Optional Refers to the corresponding account.
Belegnummer Optional You can enter the voucher number here.
Status Mandatory Here you can define the voucher status; available voucher statuses are Open, Extracted, Confirmed, Paid, Cancelled.
Begleichungsstatus Formula Field Here you will see an icon corresponding to the status of the voucher data record so that you can see the payment status at a glance using a visualisation.
Datum Optional Here you can define the date of the document creation.
Fälligkeitsdatum Optional Here you can enter the due date of the voucher.
Betrag Optional Here you can enter the voucher amount (net).
Mehrwertsteuer Optional Here you can enter the VAT as an amount.
Gesamtbetrag Formula Field Here you can see the total amount (gross), calculated from the amount plus VAT.
Beglichener Betrag Formula Field Here you can see the amount already paid if a settlement data record has been assigned to the voucher (see ‘Storage of settlements’).
Offener Betrag Formula Field Here you can see the outstanding amount. This is calculated from the total amount minus the amount paid.
Invertierter Offener Betrag Formula Field Here you can see the inverted open amount. This is calculated from the total amount minus the amount paid.

3.7. The Incoming Payment

On the payment record you can create incoming payments and upload files (e.g. payment receipts) and notes. You will find the following fields on the payment record:

Field Type Description
Name Mandatory Number of the payment record. This is assigned automatically when a payment is created.
Rechnung Formula Field Refers to the corresponding invoice record.
Account Formula Field Refers to the corresponding customer account that made the payment.
Datum Optional Here you can enter the payment date.
Betrag Optional Here you can deposit the amount paid.

4. Operational Use

In this chapter we will describe how to get the most out of EasyFlow Rechnungen. Before this step, it is important that you have created products and an opportunity that you want to invoice. Make sure that you have added your products to an active price book.

4.1. Automatic Generation of an Invoice Record

> Create a new opportunity for a customer account and add the products you want to sell to the customer. To do this, you can, for example, go to the "Opportunity" tab and click on "New" to enter the corresponding customer account in the "Account name" field. Alternatively, you can also click on "Opportunity" and then "New" in the topic list of your customer account.

> Fill your opportunity with the information relevant to you and select a phase according to your business process.

> Then you can first click on "Select price book" via the drop-down menu in the "Products" topic list.

> Select the appropriate price book here that contains your products relevant to the project.

> Then you can select your desired products via "Add products". To determine the order of the products for an opportunity, select the option "Sort products" in the "Products" topic list.

> Alternatively, you can also create a quote and create your quote in the "Offer document items" topic list via "Add products". You will automatically find your products in the quote if you have added opportunity products in the previous step. Otherwise, you can add products to your quote via the "Add products" button on the quote document item. Afterwards, check if your offered products are in the right order and re-sort them if necessary via "Sort products".

> As soon as you synchronise the quote, the opportunity products are created accordingly.

> Now click on the newly created invoice record in your opportunity. If you have set automatic allocation of invoice items in the phase setting, they will be automatically allocated to the invoice record in the specified amount. We recommend that if you use auto allocation and have a process with multiple partial invoices, to always auto allocate 100% to the last invoice to fully allocate all items.

>Using the "Assignment" button on the top right of the invoice record, you will get to an interface where you can add opportunity products as items to the invoice. You can also specify how much you want them to be billed for. You can do this either directly in the Amount field or by using the "Allocation in Percent" field. The value you enter here will be applied to all items when you click on "Apply". This allows for flexible partial billing. In the event that the value you specify in the allocation exceeds the remaining open amount, the remaining open amount will simply be allocated. We recommend to always enter 100% for the last partial invoice to avoid rounding problems.

> If you tick the box next to the corresponding opportunity product, it will be added to your invoice. Under "Total" you see the total net amount of the opportunity product, under "Open amount" you see the remaining open amount of the opportunity product. In the field area "Amount", the full open amount is displayed by default. If you want to settle a lower amount, click in the field area and enter another number. Finally, press "Save". If you want to cancel the editing without accepting the changes, click on "Cancel".


Note: As long as there are still open amounts in the opportunity products on the opportunity to be settled, the respective amount is displayed in the "Allocation" interface.

Congratulations! Now you have created your invoice and can send it to your client. 

Note: By default, Salesforce does not provide for document creation. With cloudworx.compose we offer the possibility to easily create invoice documents with all relevant information and your logo. Let's talk about it, if you need further information!

4.2. Deposit of Incoming Payments

When a customer pays their invoice, you can easily create a payment record. The easiest way to do this is to go to your invoice record and click on "New" in the "Payments" topic list. Enter the amount paid. If this corresponds to the invoice amount, your invoice is automatically set to "Paid". If it is an open amount, the invoice status does not change and you can see the difference in the "Open amount" field.

4.3. Automatic Generation of Reminders

If a payment is missed and the open invoice exceeds its due date, a reminder record is automatically created according to the reminder levels stored in the configuration. The default settings are 0, 7 and 14 days after the invoice due date. Following the standard, a total of three reminder data records would be created.

Note: By default, Salesforce does not provide for document creation. With cloudworx.compose we offer the possibility to easily create invoice documents with all relevant information and your logo. Let's talk about it, if you need further information!

4.4. Automatic Generation of Cancellations

When you set an invoice record to "Cancelled", a corresponding cancellation record is automatically created in which the information of the invoice is transferred.

Note: By default, Salesforce does not provide for document creation. With cloudworx.compose we offer the possibility to easily create invoice documents with all relevant information and your logo. Let's talk about it, if you need further information!

4.5. Deposit of Receipts

If you want to store a receipt for payment, i.e. for settlement, you can simply create a receipt data record. The easiest way to do this is to go to the "Receipts" tab and click on "New" above the "Receipts" list view. You can enter an account to which this voucher belongs as well as the voucher number, the voucher date and the due date. You can also enter the amount (net) and the VAT. You can then upload the voucher document, if available, to the "Files" topic list. When you are finished, you can set the status to "Extracted" or "Confirmed". Use the "Extracted" status if you or someone else wants to check the receipt again before it is paid.

If you enter a settlement (see "Entering settlements") and the settled amount matches the outstanding amount, the status of the voucher is automatically set to "Paid".

4.6. Deposit of Settlements

If you want to enter a settlement, i.e. a payment for a voucher, you can simply create a settlement data record in the corresponding voucher data record. The easiest way to do this is to go to the "Settlements" topic list and click on "New" in the topic list. Now simply enter the corresponding date of the settlement (payment) and the amount and click on "Save". If the amount matches the corresponding open amount on the voucher data record, the status of the voucher data record is automatically set to "Paid".

5. Reporting and Controlling

A central function of EasyFlow Rechnungen is that you can filter all information relevant to the invoice process in real time according to any parameters in reports and monitor them visually in dashboards. In addition, you have an up-to-date overview of the "total amount" and "paid amounts" of an invoice at invoice level.

5.1. Dashboard at Invoice Level

With EasyFlow Rechnungen installed, you can quickly view the following report on the respective invoice record in the dashboard.

Field Description
Incoming Payment Allows an overview of paid and outstanding amounts of the respective invoice.

5.2. Dashboards on the homepage

Type Description
Open Invoices Displays the number of currently open invoices.
Open Invoices - Open Amount Displays the total amount of outstanding invoices.
Overdue Invoices Displays the number of invoices currently overdue.
Overdue Invoices - Open Amount Displays the total amount of outstanding overdue invoices.
Invoices Sent Displays the total amount of invoices sent.
Payments Displays the total amount of payments received.

6. Error Handling

The more diverse the functionality of a system, the more complex the configuration. Errors happen in the process. A central focus of EasyFlow invoices is to support users in analysing configuration errors as best as possible and to avoid input errors directly.

In the event of errors due to incorrect entries or connection problems, the user receives a corresponding message.

If no indication of an error is given, it can generally be assumed that the triggered action was successful.

Some of the error messages displayed originate from the EasyFlow Rechnungen application (e.g. through validations during data entry) or from Salesforce itself.

In the following you will find error messages that can be displayed by the EasyFlow Rechnungen application and the corresponding possible solutions:

Error Message Solution
Phase is invalid. Please enter existing and active opportunity phase. If the phase setting has been stored but no corresponding picklist value is stored and active for the "Phase" field on the opportunity object.
Licence missing. Assign an Easyflow licence to the corresponding user and try again. In this case, a user has been stored in the notification settings to whom no corresponding EasyFlow licence has been assigned. Go to "Setup" > "Installed packages" > "EasyFlow Rechnungen" > "Manage licences" and assign a licence to the user.
Field name is invalid. Please enter a valid developer name of an existing field at the opportunity product level. Here you have entered a VAT field name in the configuration record that does not match the API field name of the VAT field on the opportunity product. Please go to "Setup" > "Object Manager" > "Opportunity Product" > "Edit" to "Fields and Relationships" and check the API name.
Field type is invalid. Only fields of the type "Percent" are allowed. Please make sure that the VAT field on the opportunity product corresponds to the field type "Percent". Please go to "Setup" > "Object Manager" > "Opportunity Product" > "Edit" to "Fields and Relationships" and check the field type.
To maintain GoBD conformity, no changes may be made after the invoice has been sent. In this case, the invoice is already in the "Sent" status and your EasyFlow administrator has set GoBD conformity in the configuration. If you have an error in the invoice, cancel it and create a new, corrected invoice record.
Number range already defined. Only one number range may be defined for each object. Please check whether you have not already stored a number range for the object. To do this, go to the tab "Number ranges" and select the list view "All".
Wrong variable. Only the date variables {YYYY}, {YY}, {MM}, {DD} and the count variable {0} may be used as variables. The number of 0s in the count variable can be freely selected. Here you have tried to incorporate an unsupported variable type into the number range logic.
Double variable. Each variable may only be used once in the design. Here you are repeating the pattern of your number range, please check your entry again and adjust your entry if necessary.

If an error message is unclear, we recommend consulting the Salesforce administrator responsible for the installation.